Thursday 20 December 2012

POP SPLASH Christmas.

Hey you lucky Guys! Today's competitiontaskthing is to design a CHRISTMAS Popslpash Front cover and here is your image:
Cover lines and lead lines are up to you. You may also add any extra images that you wish.
All the Covers will be copmared at the end of the lesson- the group will vote on the best!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Willie Nelson CD Design Task

Short Test


Country singer Willie Nelson has asked you design the cover for his new album ‘Southern Heartbreak’. His record label have provided you with some images that they would like you to use- you do not have to use all of them- you may wish to only use one, it’s up to you.

Firstly you have 10 minutes to use the internet and research country music cd front covers as well as collecting any font styles that you may think you will use. After the 10 minutes of research you will have 40 minutes to complete the main part of the test which must be saved as a jpeg and transfered to the pen drive that Craig has.

For this task you will need to;

·         Open a new document in Photoshop sized 120mm x 120mm, making sure the resolution is set at 300 pixels per inch.

·         Import and resize the images you wish to use.

·         Crop any parts of the image(s) that are not suitable.

·         Edit the colours of the image(s) to suit the genre and your cd cover design.

·         Import some text either from Dafont or using Photoshop’s text tool.

You will be marked on the use of design skills and awareness of conventions of cd cover design.
The images you may use are below:

Click on the image to read the Marking Crieria for this project:

Monday 3 December 2012

Norboyz Design Project- 2nd formative assessment

Use the following links to give you some idea of placement when it comes to a band on a front cover. Look at how close together the band  members are.:

Thursday 22 November 2012

Advice from Chief Examiner on getting the best marks for your magazine

Below is advice from the OCR Media Studies Chief Examiner on how to get the best possible marks for your AS Media Magazine. This is all stuff you have been told before in class! Please read and make sure that your magazine is getting top marks!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Tips to get a better magazine mark

There are a number of ways to increase your chances of getting a good Mark for your magazine project:

Front cover
Make sure that all images are original and in focus
Make sure that you don't write over your models face
Poster style front covers are OK but difficult to get right
Nice idea to have a special subscribers version, but you also need a retail version of the front cover
Mastheads tend to be too big or look like word art

Contents Page
Editors notes work ESP. With a photo
Having details like contact numbers for marketing, PR, print etc. Looks professional
Having an advert about saving money by subscribing is excellent and in line with industry practice.
Less successful contents pages have a limited number of articles listed - look at a professional contents page - I bet that has more articles than yours!
All photos need to be captioned. You need to write a line that makes the article sound interesting. The caption must be written on the photo -not underneath where it gets lost
All photos need a page number
There must be a consistent use of colour throughout the contents page
Include a small version of your masthead on your contents page

Generally the written words (or copy) was excellent - highly appropriate for the target audience. However more care needed in arranging the text.
The page must look balanced
The columns must be the same width
Pull Quotes run across both columns and are interesting!
The pages need to be numbered
Each page needs the name of the magazine on (this can be a small version of the masthead)

You need to print off a black and White copy of your magazine and get feedback from the people in your group. You also need to compare your magazine with a professional magazine - what does the professional magazine have that yours is lacking?

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Magazine Checklist

Download a Word version of the Magazine Checklist here